How to Detect Brain Cancer?

Up to 85% of children can be cured of cancer if it is detected early. Survival rates tend to be highest for younger patients and decrease with age. Five-year survival rates range from 66% for children ages 0 – 19 years to 5% for adults age 75 years and older.Brain-Cancer-Homeopathy-TreatmentThe brain tumor experience can be a journey into an unknown land filled with uncertainty. A brain tumor is an abnormal mass of cells that grows uncontrollably and expands inside the brain. An expanding tumor, which can be benign or malignant, can exert pressure on delicate tissues and interfere with brain function.  It can increase pressure in the brain, shift the brain or push it against the skull, and/or invade and damage nerves and healthy brain tissue. The location of a brain tumor influences the type of symptoms that occur. Identifying the presence of a brain tumor is the first step in determining a course of treatment.

There are two broad types of cancers occurring within this system. Primary tumors originate in the central nervous system, whereas secondary tumors migrate from cancers located elsewhere in the body, such as breast cancers. Secondary, or metastatic, brain tumors, are more common than primary brain cancers.

Brain Cancer Symptoms and Diagnosis

Morning Headaches and Vision Changes

Symptoms vary depending on the location and size of the brain tumor. Worsening headaches are common and tend to be more severe in the morning. These headaches may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. A person may experience changes in vision including loss of vision, blurred vision or double vision. Speech may become slurred or difficult to produce. There may be confusion and changes in behavior or personality. Some people lose feeling in their arms or legs. Seizures, difficulties with hearing and endocrine problems may also occur.

Brain tumors can cause many symptoms. Some of the most common are

  • Headaches, usually worse in the morning
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Changes in your ability to talk, hear or see
  • Problems with balance or walking
  • Problems with thinking or memory
  • Muscle jerking or twitching
  • Numbness or tingling in arms or legs

No one knows the exact causes of brain tumors. Doctors can seldom explain why one person develops a brain tumor and another does not.

If you are concerned that you or someone you know might have a brain tumor, call your doctor. If symptoms persist, an MRI or CT scan can facilitate the diagnosis. Early detection and treatment may increase survival.

Brain Tumor Treatment

Brain tumor treatment depends on a number of factors, including the type, location, size, and grade of the tumor, as well as the age and health of the patient. Your doctor can present your treatment options and tell you what to expect from each one.

Below are some questions you might want to ask your doctor:

  1. What type of brain tumor is it?
  2. Is it benign or malignant?
  3. What grade is my tumor?
  4. What are the treatment options? What do you recommend? Why?
  5. What are the benefits of each treatment option?
  6. What are the risks and possible side effects of each option?
  7. What is the treatment likely to cost?
  8. How will treatment affect my everyday activities?

Homeopathy Treatment

At Welling Clinic, we use highly diluted potent homeopathic medicines made from natural substances to stimulate and halt the growth of  Brain Cancer. In the second stage , the medications target the Cancer cells, and start the gradual retraction of Cancer and reduction of the pressure symptoms. In the third stage we stimulate the intrinsic healing powers of the body to annihilate or remove the tendency of developing the brain cancer again.

Our cancer research institute has conducted regular research into the active natural substances that can have targeted action on the brain cancer cells. They are prepared according to the Homeopathic method of potentization and their action is repeatedly  proven to arrest and cure brain cancer.

Our Brain Cancer Treatment, being completely natural, we have never observed the usual side effects associated with the conventional treatments like


One of the most common side effects is fatigue.  Fatigue may accompany surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or biologic therapy, and may continue even after treatment is completed. Whether a side effect of treatment or of the tumor itself, the fatigue associated with brain tumors is not I-just-need-some-sleep fatigue. It is like no other tiredness.  You may experience a profound lack of energy that can come on suddenly and bring dramatic changes to your daily life.

Memory and Cognitive Changes

Cognitive abilities – your capacity to think, reason, and process information – can be affected by a tumor and its treatment. The location of the tumor, the protocols used to treat it, and your unique physiology will all play a part in whether cognitive ability is affected, how severely it is affected, and which therapies can be used to overcome any impairment.

Separate from reasoning and thinking is memory that can also be impacted by tumors and treatment. Memory and cognitive ability support each other and if one is impaired the other is also affected.

Fertility Concerns

Many brain tumor survivors may face reproductive challenges as a result of their treatment. There are some chemotherapies that may cause infertility, just as some chemotherapies will make hair fall out while others do not. Radiation treatment can impact fertility as well.

Late Effects

Most late effects are determined by the course of treatment followed, not by the tumor itself. Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery can all result in late effects.

  • Fertility: If the pituitary gland or hypothalamus is involved, survivors should be checked annually for hormone levels and the progress of puberty in children.  An endocrinologist may be consulted if issues arise.
  • Hearing loss: This may occur with certain chemotherapy agents, as well as tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Young children may experience speech delays. Regular audiology testing should be given after treatment, and if necessary, hearing aids can be implemented.
  • Dental issues: Increased risk of cavities, thinning of tooth enamel and problems with roots are likely.  Make regular visits (every six months) to the dentist to keep an eye on things.

Cognitive issues may occur after treatment with radiation.  Memory, motor skills, learning, and behavior are areas that may be affected, depending where in the brain the radiation is directed.  Children who have received radiation therapy may struggle with learning disabilities.

  • Radiation can affect the body’s hormones, particularly the thyroid and reproductive hormones.  Growth hormones in children can also be affected. Survivors should be tested yearly to ensure the thyroid is working properly.
  • Reproductive capabilities may also be affected by radiation to the brain. Adults facing this treatment, who might wish to have children later in life, can explore options for preserving sperm or eggs.
  • There is a risk of hearing loss after radiation therapy if it was directed toward the brainstem or the ear.
  • If the tumor affects the optic nerves, radiation in that area can result in vision loss.  Cataracts may also surface as a late effect after radiation treatment.
  • Radiation therapy brings the greatest risk of late effects to a survivor’s emotional responses and behavior.  Survivors and their families should be vigilant about noticing changes, and should consult their doctor or neuropsychologist for evaluation.

Surgery Late Effects

  • The late effects of surgery are generally confined to the areas where the surgery occurred.
  • Cognitive issues may surface if surgery was located in the cerebral hemisphere, which governs thinking and reasoning. Learning disabilities may appear in child survivors.
  • Surgery near the pituitary gland may affect the production of certain hormones, which may result in growth and reproductive issues, and even osteoporosis. Children who have undergone surgery should be closely monitored through puberty. Adults should also be checked regularly for normal activity in the pituitary and thyroid glands.

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1 thought on “How to Detect Brain Cancer?”

  1. dr.Plz help me out .one of my friend had operated..2years before .he had brain tumour..i just want to knw will he be die..or how long will he there any medicine to cure him.plz help me out plz..i beg of you.

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